In-Country Valuation ( ICV) Certificate

As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, In-Country Value (ICV) is a policy initiative in certain countries, including the United Arab Emirates (UAE), aimed at promoting the participation of local businesses and enhancing the contribution of the private sector to the national economy. The ICV certification process assesses the extent to which businesses operating in the country contribute to the local economy through various parameters, including employment of local workforce, local sourcing, and other economic factors.

Please note that specific details and procedures for ICV certification may vary by country and industry. As of my last update, the following general steps are typically involved in obtaining an ICV certificate:

Understanding ICV Requirements

Review Guidelines

Understand the ICV guidelines provided by the relevant authorities in the country where the certification is required. In the UAE, for example, it is often associated with the oil and gas industry.

Preparing Documentation

Business Information

Gather information about your business, including its structure, ownership, and key activities.

Financial Statements

Prepare financial statements that demonstrate your company's economic contribution in the country.

Workforce Information

Provide details about your company's workforce, including the number of local employees and their roles.

Supply Chain Information

Document your company's local procurement and sourcing activities, showcasing the utilization of local goods and services.

ICV Assessment

Submission of Data

Submit the required data and documentation to the designated ICV assessment authority or agency.

Assessment Process

The assessment agency evaluates the submitted information against the ICV criteria, which may include employment, investment, and local content components.

ICV Certification

Issuance of Certificate

If your company meets the ICV criteria, an ICV certificate is issued by the relevant authority.

Validity Period

ICV certificates are typically valid for a specific period, and companies may need to renew the certification periodically.

ICV Reporting

Periodic Reporting

Some ICV programs require companies to periodically report their performance and update their ICV certification.

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